Bloglike Blathering
Below are posts, ordered by recency. Click on one to read more and check the sidebar in the post for information about the featured machine.
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Hermes 3000 in Director Elite
December 1st
With an elegant font and compact pitch, this one does work
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Olivetti Lettera 32 in Katakana
November 1st
A Western machine for the outside alphabet
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Brother Portable in Katakana
October 29th
A Brother made more interesting with katakana
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Late Gossen Tippa
January 28th
A design from the past, looking to the future
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Groma Kolibri
November 24th
The Kolibri always has a feeling of flatness, despite a solid, heavy presence on the desk
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Adler Tippa in Napoli Script
March 4th
An unusual variant of an already uncommon script machine
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