Bloglike Blathering
Below are posts, ordered by recency. Click on one to read more and check the sidebar in the post for information about the featured machine.
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3 Bank Pivots & Bushings
January 24th
A snapped arm made for a dead typebar, this was a really pivotal part!
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Sanding Down Platens
February 10th
Some idle rambling about lessons learned from sanding down platens
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Should You Resurface?
March 22nd
Is new rubber worth the hassle and why would you want to?
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Making Details Pop
February 19th
Making the small details stand out with paint sticks
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New Shoes for the Champion
January 12th
Fresh rubber gives traction to this classic
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A Sticky Shift
January 6th
A couple tweaks cleared up a heavy shift on this Quiet De Luxe
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Replacing Ribbons
December 7th
Quickly spruce up a machine and get typing with a new ribbon
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Hermes 3000 Carriage Release
November 4th
Backspacing and tabs are a poor substitute
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A Platen Soft as Gold
October 27th
Resurfacing really gives this Underwood a grip!
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